To create an order online, first add an item to your cart. Find the item grouping you are interested in and select the expand icon.
When the item group expands you will see a list of items that make up that grouping along with how many of each item we have in stock and its price.
To add an item to your cart, select the "+" icon to the right of the price. Enter the number of devices you would like and select “Add to Cart”. When an item is added to your cart, the icon will update to indicate it has been added, and you will see the cart icon reflect an item has been added.
To update or remove this item, select the green tick mark, change the quantity and select “Update Cart”. Select “Remove from Cart” to remove the item.
Select the cart icon to view your cart. You can update or remove items from your cart.
When you are ready, select "Checkout" to begin the checkout process.
Here is a video for additional help.