Are you having trouble logging into WeSellCellular?
In Dec 2022, WeSellCellular's Stock List and sales moved to a NEW website (
The original website is only available for those applying to become new customers (
For existing customers to use the new website, they must set a password after receiving an email with a temporary password. You can NOT use Forgot Password on the new until you have responded to an invitation email.
I just started the application to become a WSC customer.
To continue the application process, follow these steps:
- Go to
- Sign In using the email address and password you used to create your account
IF you forgot your password, then use the Forgot Password link on the page
- Enter the email address you used to create your account, then follow the instructions that we email to you.
IF you see a popup with "Get Ready to Use the New WeSellCellular Website!" then press the SEND ME AN INVITE button
- In about an hour, you will receive an email invitation with a New Temporary Password and instructions
IF you forgot your password, then use the Forgot Password link on the page
- Once you have logged in, you can continue your application to become a WSC customer
- IF you see a message that your account is under review, you must wait for your application to be approved. Remember to submit all requested documentation to CUSTOMERCARE@WESELLCELLULAR.COM
I'm waiting for my application to become a WSC customer to be approved.
Remember to submit all requested documentation to CUSTOMERCARE@WESELLCELLULAR.COM
I have had access to the WSC Stocklist but have not yet made a purchase.
Contact your Sales Rep to send you an invitation with a temporary password you can use to set up your access to the new website.
I have made purchases in the past but not recently.
Contact your Sales Rep to send you an invitation with a temporary password you can use to set up your access to the new website.
I have received an invitation to the new website, but I can not use the temporary password.
Your temporary password is only valid for a limited time (6 days). If your invite has expired, contact your Sales Rep to send you a new invitation.